RCS Canada in the News

RCS Canada in the News

Brian Mulroney says Queen Elizabeth was steadfast supporter of his efforts to end apartheid in South Africa

June 17, 2022

In a speech to the Royal Commonwealth Society of Toronto…marking the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee, the former prime minister spoke fondly of the Queen as an “extremely intelligent” woman with “impeccable judgment.”

Advocates still fighting to have Emancipation Day recognized across Canada

July 31, 2020

According to the Royal Commonwealth Society of Canada (RCSC), in March 1793, John Simcoe, then Governor of Upper Canada — what is now Ontario — learned that an enslaved woman named Chloe Cooley was forcibly bound and taken by boat across the Niagara River to be sold.

Black Vancouver to host Emancipation Day protest next month

July 18, 2020

August 1 is not officially Emancipation Day recognized outside of Ontario as Emancipation Day, a date commemorating the passing of the Slavery Abolition Act in 1833. This legislation ended chattel slavery throughout the British Empire, coming into effect on August 1, 1834, in Britain, Canada, and several other colonies, and 1838 in the Caribbean and elsewhere, according to the Royal Commonwealth Society.”

Harry and Meghan Disappoint Canadians With Departure

April 4, 2020

“In typical Canadian fashion, they are as much sorry as miffed to see them go.

One of them is Shawn Wade, a lifetime fan of the royal family.  He is the president of the Royal Commonwealth Society in the Vancouver area…

…Retired minister David Spence, is a lifetime member of the Monarchist League of Canada and is also in charge of the Royal Commonwealth Society on Vancouver Island, where the town of North Saanich is located.”

Harry and Meghan: What Canada thinks of welcoming the British royals

January 17, 2020

“Shawn Wade of British Columbia’s Royal Commonwealth Society said he thinks Harry should not have trouble fitting in, but that any question of the prince’s special status remains to be seen. “He’ll be living here. Now, whether he’ll be just a private permanent resident or whether he’ll take on some duties, I don’t know,” Wade said.”

This Is What Meghan Markle And Prince Harry’s Life In Canada Could Look Like

January 17, 2020

“Meghan Markle and Prince Harry shocked the world when they announced they would be taking a step back from the Royal Family. The details of what that means are currently being worked out, but Shawn Wade of the Royal Commonwealth Society in British Columbia did provide some insight as to what life in Canada could look like for the royal couple.”

Harry and Meghan’s potential move to Canada signals generational change

January 14, 2020

“David Spence, president of Vancouver Island’s Royal Commonwealth Society, said Harry and Meghan’s plans should be greeted as the start of a new generation for the monarchy.

‘They are venturing beyond the traditional royal roles that have been set,’ said the former United Church minister. ‘It’s a new generation. I’m thinking they are the ones that will provide a 21st century expression of monarchy.'”

Harry and Meghan’s royal move to Canada signals generational change: experts

January 14, 2020

“David Spence, president of Vancouver Island’s Royal Commonwealth Society, says Harry and Meghan’s plans should be viewed as the start of a new generation for the monarchy.”

Islanders celebrate royal wedding at televised viewing

May 19, 2018

“[Mary] Kickham was one of about a hundred invited guests who attended the viewing, hosted by the Royal Commonwealth Society.

The president of the P.E.I. branch of the society, Horatio Toledo, said he was ‘totally blown away’ by the interest for the royal wedding shown by Islanders.

As society president, he was contacted by CTV to see if there would be a viewing in Charlottetown. He thought that was a great idea and was able to book the church hall, where he is a member of the congregation, but there was a limit to how many people could fit.”

Canadians celebrate mix of pageantry, modern twists in royal wedding

May 19, 2018

“By mid-morning Pacific time in British Columbia, David Spence and his wife Donna Otto said they were recovering from a 3 a.m. breakfast party they helped organize at Victoria’s 139-year-old Union Club.

Spence and Otto, who are president and secretary of the Royal Commonwealth Society of Vancouver Island, respectively, said it was well worth it.”

Queen urges Commonwealth to name Prince Charles as its next leader

April 19, 2018

“The Prince of Wales “will provide solid and passionate leadership for our Commonwealth,” he said. Joe Zasada, chair of the Royal Commonwealth Society of Canada, said the Queen has provided a strong example for her son and other royals to follow through her commitment to the Commonwealth. “I think Charles would do a good job,” he said.”

Athletes looking ahead to Commonwealth Games, just 3 weeks away

March 13, 2018

“‘We wish them all well in their Games competition coming up. It’s an opportunity for them, as young people, to build relationships with other young people from 53 nations,’ said David Spence, president of the Royal Commonwealth Society Vancouver Island.

Time to celebrate the Commonwealth

March 11, 2018

“P.E.I. Lt.-Gov Antoinette Perry joined UPEI Commonwealth students Tamish Boodhun of Mauritius, Aanu Owoeye of Nigeria, Chinwe Okwuwolo of Nigeria, Ricky Jamer and Horatio Toledo, president of the Royal Commonwealth Society of P.E.I., in getting ready to raise the Commonwealth flag.

Toronto’s Sadlier joins bid for national Emancipation Day

November 30, 2017

“Former president of the of the Ontario Black History Society, Rosemary Sadlier, has joined the campaign to get the Federal Government to declare August 1 as Emancipation Day across the country…

…The House of Commons E-Petition 1289, was initiated by Montreal’s David Haisell on October 15. He is the communications director of the Canadian branch of the Royal Commonwealth Society.”

Islanders remember Princess Diana, 20 years after her death

September 1, 2017

“Horatio Toledo, president of the P.E.I. chapter of the Royal Commonwealth Society said Diana’s approach to being a member of the Royal Family changed the family for the better.

“‘She became more personal with the charities she was supporting,’ he said.

“Toledo said he also believes people will always be interested in her story because of its tragic ending.”

Canadians have royal memories

July 3, 2017

“Byron Thomas spoke in 1994 with the then chairman of the Royal Commonwealth Society of Canada about attending the annual Commonwealth Day Observance Service in London at Westminster Abbey. Such invitations were difficult to get as they were given to Heads of State and Government from all over the Commonwealth. After writing to a number of officials connected with the event, he made a sufficient impression to get an invitation to attend the service at Westminster Abbey and a reception at Marlborough House for that same night...”

Ammani Hanafe: Fighting for Justice not “Just Us”

May 22, 2017

Ammani Hanafe is a Psychology student attending the University of Ottawa. Her diverse Afro-Arab ethnic background has always encouraged and fostered her strong interest in building connections with peoples from various cultures and beliefs. She is passionate about her involvement with a diverse amount of youth outreach organizations, including the Royal Commonwealth Society of Canada, where she has participated in educating youth nationally about Canada and the Commonwealth.

Queen Elizabeth’s 90th birthday celebrated in Charlottetown

April 21, 2016

“Members of Prince Edward Island’s Royal Commonwealth Society gathered at the Rodd Charlottetown for a special luncheon on Thursday to celebrate Queen Elizabeth’s 90th birthday and for some in attendance, the day brought back memories of June 2, 1953, the day of her coronation.”

Commonwealth Day unites people around the world

March 7, 2015

“In 1868, the Royal Commonwealth Society had been formed. The first branch of the RCS in Canada was founded in Victoria in 1919 and still exists. The late Brian Graves, member of the Vancouver and Mainland branch of the Royal Commonwealth Society and, for a time, national chairman of the society, wrote to then-prime minister Pierre Trudeau that Commonwealth Day should be observed throughout the member countries on the same day…”

“…Branches of the Royal Commonwealth Society in Canada uphold the day with their own form of celebration. They can come together and hear a message sent to all members of the Commonwealth from the Queen.”

“In Victoria, the Vancouver Island branch of the RCS holds a special luncheon at Government House. The event is hosted by the patron, the lieutenant governor of British Columbia.”

Queen portrait that hung in old Winnipeg Jets arena coming home

February 26, 2015

“After several years in the care of Syd Davy, then-president of the Royal Commonwealth Society, the portrait was gifted to Vancouver-based singer-songwriter Tim Lawson.”

Our Community: Students fuel spirit of collaboration

January 18, 2015

It has been revealed that Janeece Edroff was chosen as a runner-up to the Queen’s Young Leaders Award. The award is meant to honour young people who have made a difference to their communities and who have overcome difficulties in their lives.

“Edroff was nominated with the backing of the Vancouver Island Branch of the Royal Commonwealth Society and supported by former Victoria mayor Dean Fortin.”


211 Bronson Centre, Room 102B
Ottawa, Ontario  K1R 6H5  Canada